Monday 8 July 2013

How to live with ridged nails


This is the reason why we should never file or buff the ridges found on our nails:
Ridges in nails are actually the healthy part of the nail. It's the concave portions are thinner because the nail matrix isn't working properly and at full capacity. So some sections end up being thinner (concave). The thicker portions are the healthier, stronger parts.
This explains why ridges seem to get more pronounced with age. As we age, our digestive system does not function at the level of a young person. We don't absorb as many of the required vitamins and minerals for nail production. Therefore, the ridges appear more pronounced, when it's actually the thinner areas are becoming more pronounced.
SO....if we file down the ridges to match the rest of the nail plate, we're actually thinning our nail plate to match the thinnest portions of the nail!
THE SOLUTION: Use a high quality ridge filling base coat to fill in the concave areas and smooth out the surface of your nail before applying your color lacquer.
Written by Doug Schoon

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