Friday 13 September 2013

Onycholysis: When nails detach from the nail bed

Testimonial:  How TIPS Nail Conditioner helped
Before Photo:  sent to us by Monica showing her detached nails

After Photo:  The re-attached nails after using TIPS Nail Conditioner for several weeks.
Dear ASK Cosmetics:

I began using your product (T.I.P.S. Nail Conditioner) about 7 weeks ago, and
I am amazed at the results. Approximately 6 years ago, my fingernails began to
detach from my nail beds. I had suffered from Carbon Monoxide poisoning, and
whether or not this was a contributing factor, I don't know. But, up until this point
my nails were strong, grew rapidly and were very healthy.

When they began to detach, I sought medical attention. My own physician had
no explanation for my nail problem and referred me to a dermatologist. This
specialist also had no explanation and told me I suffered from Onycholysis.
Basically, he told me my hands were in water too much. I began wearing
gloves for virtually every task I had to do. After months of following his
instructions, my nails did not improve at all. (This dermatologist was one
of three that I consulted). To make a long story short, I have spent a
fortune on prescriptions, Tea Tree Oil, products from a Natural Health Food
Store, etc. etc.

I happened to mention my problem to a friend who indicated that she had
suffered from the same problem. She had fallen, hit her head, and her nails
detached from her nail beds. Her physician indicated to her, that nails
could detach from the nail bed due to Trauma. She suggested I try T.I.P.S.,
as she had had great success with your product.

I am so grateful for her suggestion! As my nails grow, they are reattaching
to my nail beds. Once I started noticing a difference (after approximately
2 weeks of use), I took a picture of 3 of my nails. Now, 7 weeks later,
I've taken another picture. You can see for yourselves in the photos I am
sending, the difference.

I will definitely be promoting your product to friends, colleagues, and
family members. Thank you!

Best regards,

Monica from Oshawa

Thursday 12 September 2013

Cuticle Care: The Do's and Don'ts for healthy, intact Cuticles

Best Practices for Cuticle Care
You should never cut, trim, massage or push back your cuticles.  Your cuticle is a natural seal between the hard nails and the soft skin.  When you degrade that seal, your body will work to restore it, using the energy from that area for fixing and replacing your cuticle instead of for nail growth.  Your cuticle also produces the final, most protective layer of your nails.  When your cuticle is irritated or damaged in any manner, it is unable to perform that function properly, leaving your nail unprotected.  When your cuticles are left alone, and treated daily with TIPS Nail Conditioner, they will naturally begin to recede within a few weeks.
Apply The Incredible Protection System (T.I.P.S.) by ASK Cosmetics Inc. daily to your cuticles, the entire top surface of your nails, the underside of your nails and the skin around your nails.  TIPS is not a polish and will not dry on your nails. 
  • TIPS is not a coating, quick-fix or a cover-up for nail damage; it is a treatment solution. 
  • It penetrates your nail and is absorbed almost immediately, therefore no waiting time after application.
  • TIPS cannot be washed off your nails because it isn't "ON" your nail, it is "IN" your nail. 
  • Any remaining solution may be removed with a tissue or simply rub it into your hands like you would a hand lotion. 
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