Thursday 30 May 2013

Are ridged nails getting in the way of your wonderfully manicured look?

 Ridged Fingernails - what can we do about them?
Although, nails do not contain any blood, nail issues such as ridged nails can indicate the presence of an underlying disorder.  We all know that ridges in fingernails are bumpy, elevated lines forming either vertically or horizontally.  When we refer to vertical ridges, we mean the ones running from the base of the nail bed to the tip of the nail.  Such ridges can change the appearance of the fingers, however these finger nail abnormalities are not painful and may go unnoticed.

Vertical ridges are often considered to be due to a genetic attribute, yet there are other causes for this nail condition:

1.  Poor Diet - If a person's diet is lacking essential vitamins and minerals, they might experience ridged nails.  Therefore, ridged fingernails may indicate that the body is not getting its daily dosage of vitamins.  Your diet should include adequate amounts of Vitamin A, B, iron and protein.  And deficiencies  can trigger nail ridging. 

2.  Poor Nutrient Absorption - Ridged fingernails is often the result of the body's inability to properly absorb nutrients from the food we eat, in which case it would be recommendable to consult a doctor to find out the cause.

3.  Loss of Moisture - As we grow older, the nail plate loses its moisture and natural oils, which often results in ridged fingernails.  Unfortunately, the aging process always has a negative effect on our nails.  It is therefore no wonder that we find elderly people with ridged, cracked fingernails.

4.  Nail Injury or Fungal Infection - Either could be a possible trigger for the formation of ridged fingernails.  If you have sustained an injury to the nail bed, this could produce ridges, which may remain for a very long time. 

Horizontal ridges should never be overlooked!  People having horizontal ridges often experience a change in their nail colour, which is an indication of a potentially serious health problem.  Be sure to make an appointment with your doctor if you have or think you may have horizontal ridges.

What can we do about ridged nails?
  • The easiest thing is to start eating a nutritious diet.  Assess your food intake and ensure that you are providing your body (and nails) with all the necessary vitamins, minerals and iron it requires.  This will be a huge step in keeping the ridges at bay.
  • Always be sure you are drinking enough water.  As you read above, dehydration is also a possible cause for ridged fingernails.
  • A lack of moisture is often the primary cause behind ridged nails, in which case moisturizing creams applied daily would be beneficial.


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